Micro:bit Pocket-sized Computer Workshop

Once again, Youth4Youth was in ESF South Island School this week to run a hands-on micro:bit workshop. This workshop spanned over four weeks where the students learnt how to use this pocket-sized computer as an introduction to how to integrate hardware and software. Students were paired up and received one micro:bit each which had a built-in LED light display, buttons, sensors and numerous input and output features that can let the device interact with the world when programmed.

Students were taught about the applications of the micro:bit which included playing games, generating random numbers, measuring soil moisture and creating music. They were taught how to code a coin toss, a calculator, a flashing image and a dice on the micro:bit.

We ended the session by discussing the similarities between micro:bits and computers to help the students realise how micro:bits can help you understand how computers work. We were thrilled to see that the students enjoyed the session and were able to make the connection between the micro:bit and input devices, output devices and processors on a computer!


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